Meine Zusammenarbeit mit Pål H. Christiansen

Collage mit Fotos von Annette und Pal

Mit dem norwegischen Autor, Verleger und Journalisten arbeite ich bereits seit 2007 immer wieder zusammen. Seitdem habe ich mehrfach seine Website neu konzipiert, relauncht und redaktionell betreut, seine Social-Media-Präsenzen angepasst und mit ihm internationale Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für seine Bücher gemacht.

Meine Highlights bisher


Cover von Drommer om storhet

Redesign passend zum Layout von Påls Kultroman „Drømmer om storhet“. Aufräumen der mehrsprachigen Inhalte zu Fokus auf Norwegisch mit Teilen in Englisch.


Für die Website habe ich das Theme Ollie in Full Site Editing mit WordPress benutzt.

Für die wiederkehrenden Teile (Buchkarten, Buch-Einzelseiten) habe ich wiederverwendbare Vorlagen erstellt.

In Påls Auftrag betreue ich die Website hinsichtlich des Onlinestellens von Inhalten und WordPress-technisch (nicht serverseitig).

Pål über unsere Zusammenarbeit

„I have been working with Annette Schwindt since 2007 and I give her my best recommendations. During the years she has been involved in almost every aspect of digital and general communication about my activities as an author. It all started up with her setting up a new website which has been rebuilt and optimized several times, always with the latest and best solutions at hand.

Originally we got in touch on Myspace when my novel Die Ordnung der Worte was launched in German. In the following years Annette used her growing expertice in social media to get me into to the world of facebook and other platforms, which helped me get in contact with readers and fans all over the world. 

At a point Annette was involved in most of the communication going on, and she used her linguistic proficiency to communicate not only in German, but also in English, French and Italian whenever needed. New doors were opened in these years.

Among the most memorable things to highlight is her effort to bring my childrens book about Fjodor the cod into the German market. The happy result was my cooperation with composer Felix Janosa. Three musical books with songs written by Janosa that went along with my stories was published between 2011 and 2013. Without Annette’s good work and entusiasm this would never have happened.

Recently she has made a brand new website that mainly communicates in Norwegian, technically top notch with the new WordPress full site editing and block-editor. I’m looking forward to have this online in the years to come

Annette is creative, enthusiastic and always eager to get the best solutions. She is also honest about what works and not and always gives clear feedback. 

Annette Schwindt

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