Digital guidance for your communication

What I do

I’ve been helping people since 2002 to find their path with their communication projects. From websites to books or as a general digital guide along your way.

The people I work with usually come from a cultural, social or consulting background. Most of them are book people or other creatives.

  • I create WordPress websites as the base of your overall communication concept
  • I accompany authors in their writing process
  • I develop general digital communication concepts with/for you and your projects
  • I serve as a general dialogue partner or mentor in any communication matters

If you are interested in working with me

Annette Schwindt

It‘s all about people and conversations. 

Digital communication is
what WE make of it.

I love bringing people together and helping projects to emerge that otherwise couldn‘t have happened.

Annette Schwindt

How I work

Working with me is based on trusting and respecting each other, honest appreciation and meeting on the same level. For me it’s important to be interested in similar subjects and that we get along personally

I see myself as a a guide and enabler, helping you to realise your projects by being in a dialogue with you. I‘m also open to joint projects.

As a digital resident I‘d like to give you an understanding of the cultural transformation that is based on sharing knowledge, on meeting at the same level and on helping each other.

What people say about working with me

Read more feedback about my work

What is your part?

Most people get much more out of working with me other than just the answer to their first request.

During our work together, it is continually necessary for you to reflect on yourself and your subject from an outside perspective in order to be able to communicate about it with others. In doing so, many aspects about yourself and your subject become clear to you where you hadn’t been before. This is how you enter into a developing process where the constant exchange between us acts as a catalyst.

What does it cost?

Depending on your budget we will find the best way for you to show your appreciation for my work. In selected cases I also offer my help pro bono. Apart from that I can charge my fees per hour, per day or in one lump sum. If we work together for longer periods of time, I can split payments monthly or into agreed installments.

For further questions